
Posts Tagged ‘baby fawn’

Oh Deer!

Oh me, oh my, I LOVE this time of year for the flowers and the egg shells, yes, but especially for the little darlings that start to show up in my neck of the woods: ’tis fawn season my friends!

We’ve been monitoring the pregnant does that were hanging around and noticed that they all disappeared at one point, presumably to drop their fawns.  So we set up our trail cameras (hence the lower quality image, but still!) near the feeding dishes and success!!  Isn’t he/she one of the cutest little things ever?  Based on the number of pregnant does we had, factoring in the ones who had twins in the past, we could have 6 or 8 of these little guys bounding around if we’re lucky.  We’ll start to see them more often in the evenings and on weekends when they get a little older and the Moms are less wary – Matt and I have an informal contest to spot the first fawns of the season; he usually wins but there has been many a Sunday morning in past years with one of us whisper-yelling “honey, look outside, quick!”

Makes me want to cuddle them up and plant kisses on their tiny little noses.  Look at those spindly legs!  And the spots!


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